When To Use A 旋转式洗涤器 And How It Can Benefit Your 洗 Application

Upgrading or increasing the cleanliness of your ore or rock by washing it with water can add value to your final product or help with further downstream processing.

There are many equipment options available for washing, so when considering the correct equipment and process flow for your application, you must first take into account the type of contamination you wish to remove and the properties of the waste material.

Is the contaminate a tough, 细粒度的, 俗气的粘土 that needs the aggressive scrubbing action of a 日志垫圈? Or is the contaminate a lighter, loamy type clay or dirt and dust that can be removed with either a 粗料螺旋垫圈 或者一个 旋转式洗涤器? 一旦确定了这一点, then the proper equipment for the application can be selected based on feed size and capacity, among other variables that need to be considered.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s history of building rotary equipment and 日志垫圈 dates back more than 100 years, 在这段时间里, a large application database has been developed. Let’s take a look at one of 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s many wet processing machines, 旋转洗涤器, and its use and application in your washing circuit. Rotary-Scrubber-2.jpg?mtime = 20180612115512 #资产:1915



旋转式洗涤塔 are often used following primary crushing and typically for the removal of light, loamy type clays and similar soluble deleterious materials from feedstock with typical sizes of up to 12” (300mm). 如果feed中包含一个tough, 细粒度的, 俗气的粘土, then consideration should be given to a 日志垫圈. The reason for this is because the tumbling action of 旋转洗涤器 drum turns small 俗气的粘土 balls into larger clay balls as they exit the drum.

通常, the determining factors when selecting a 旋转式洗涤器 over other types of washing equipment are that it can accept larger feed sizes and that it is capable of high capacities in comparison to 日志垫圈 or 粗料螺旋垫圈.


最好是-0.25” (6mm) fines fraction be removed from the feed before being introduced to the scrubber. This can be accomplished through traditional screening methods or by adding a desanding section to the scrubber to help remove a portion of the fines. 通过这样做, you are allowing the scrubbing action to be more vigorous as opposed to the fines fraction cushioning the scrubbing action. 

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旋转洗涤器的基本操作. Fresh water and the material to be cleaned are introduced through the feed chute. 当圆柱旋转时, the tumbling action and cascading of the aggregate on itself and on the liners break down the softer material and dissolve dirt, loam and other soluble material into the solution. 然后,这种材料可以通过一个 脱水筛

The feed solids and water are introduced in the feed chute of 旋转洗涤器. The rotating drum (which is provided with lifter bars), 与离心力相结合, carries the slurried material up the side of the drum until approximately the 11 o’clock position, 在哪里释放, cascades and tumbles back down to the cylinder bottom, 这个过程又从哪里开始呢. This process continues as the slurry is carried the length of the cylinder. The action helps break down softer materials and dissolve the dirt, loam and other foreign materials into a solution.

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Feed material is continuously lifted and dropped by the tumbling action of the cylinder.

It is highly recommended that lab test work be performed on the feed material since each application differs and the selection and retention time necessary to achieve the desired level of cleanliness needs to be evaluated. 在某些情况下, an adjustable weir at the cylinder’s discharge end can be provided to help with achieving the necessary retention time.

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An adjustable weir can help provide the necessary retention time.

当浆料离开旋转洗涤器时, it is recommended that the material pass across a rinse or sizing screen. 在某些应用中, 旋转洗涤器 can be supplied with a trommel screen extension and an internal spray bar for making a rough sizing cut. This extension can be either a single- or double-shell design to allow for the creation of multiple product-size cuts. This screen media can be made from abrasion-resistant, 轧孔板, 橡胶或聚氨酯筛板. 取决于切割点和容量, a trommel extension may not be suited f或者一个n accurate product separation. Capacities of up to 2,500 tph can be achieved in a single 旋转式洗涤器.

一旦这个过程完成, the washed product is ready for further downstream crushing or sizing.

If a 旋转式洗涤器 seems like a good fit for your application, click the button below to connect with a 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 representative. 

标签: 擦洗


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