Evaluating Capital Equipment Cost

June 13, 2018
当决定哪件设备是适合您的应用程序, consider capital cost, maintenance cost, repair cost and wear costs, 以及生产要求和与每个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全相关的收入和利润,以帮助确定哪台机器将满足您的需求.

Many operators are facing 在这种情况下,他们有一堆不想要的材料,他们正在寻找 减少成混凝土和沥青集料而不产生高水平 fines. 其他人正在寻找方法,用类似的堆,创造一个 well-graded fines output. 讨论哪个工具或哪些工具是正确的 的分辨率,则任何安装的选择都无法完成 实际生产需求及相关收入和利润 product. 在我们选择合适的设备之前, 我们必须决定需要生产什么和生产多少.

Production requirements can be expressed in 有很多方法:每小时吨,每年吨,或者只是吨. Production requirements must relate to something to have meaning. Once sales quantities have been 确定后,即可建立生产要求.

Be cautious of just dividing your production requirements by the number of hours. This will result in an average production, 但可能与要求的时间不一致. There also may seasonal 某些菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全将以更快或更慢的速度发展的问题 average for the year. 虽然这些看起来都很简单,但这是必要的 这一步骤也将有助于确定适合市场的机器 requirements.

 There are many factors involved in an acquisition strategy. Consider the following two applications:

  • Limestone: 第三级应用,处理150吨/小时的2“x½”材料,以产生质量½”的输出材料,最少量的4目减.
  • Gravel: 第三级应用处理100吨/小时的1“x 3/8”材料,以产生分级和断裂的3/8”输出材料,数量为4目负.

Capital Costs


一个简单的经验法则是:当查看相同应用程序的大小的机器时, 圆锥破碎机的价格是立轴冲击式破碎机的三倍. 这只是机器的价格,不包括任何结构或辅助设备. 二手机器、租赁和机器的可用性将影响最终的购置成本.

Specifically for the limestone application, 考虑300马力的圆锥破碎机或300马力的中型VSI. 按整数计算,VSI的价格为13万美元,而圆锥的价格为35万美元. 有了这些数字,它不完全是3:1的经验法则,但也很接近.

For the gravel application, 考虑一台200马力的圆锥破碎机,价格300美元,000 versus a smaller VSI at a price of $90,000. Again, it is close to that 3:1 ratio.

Wear Costs

Almost everyone will agree that the wear 圆锥破碎机的成本将低于VSI. The question is, how much less? 这是它真正成为特定于应用程序和站点的地方. It is also 在制作最后的破碎机之前对材料进行测试是一个很好的理由 choice.

In an ideal world, 我们会引进圆锥破碎机和VSI,在做出选择之前测量所有参数和成本, but that is not always practical. 然后,我们必须根据网站内的经验和使用从类似网站收集的信息做出一些假设. 当我们开始估算磨损成本时,经验是一个很好的助手.

For the limestone application, we estimated 在VSI范围内,一套鞋子的穿着寿命为四个月,而估计为 cone liner life of two years. Your experience most likely will be different 从这些数字中,但由于它们是特定的实际数字 application, they can be used for the comparison.

The costs of the parts to be installed 加上安装它们的人工成本,总磨损成本为0美元.01/ton for the cone and $0.05/ton for the VSI.

Again, these costs are the parts and labor against the tons produced over a 10-year period. These costs do not put any dollars in for the downtime.

In comparison, for the gravel application we 估计磨损寿命两个月的一套转子尖端(在此更多 磨料应用时,我们会使用自动转子而不是开转子 鞋桌),同时估计四个月的一套锥衬. In this case, the cone calculates out at $0.09/ton and the VSI at $0.15/ton.

Maintenance Costs

These costs account for the time and 用于定期保养项目的材料,如换油、液位、 drive belt inspections and other regular events. This xcludes repair and wear costs. 假设2000小时的年,成本估计为5小时和10小时 years using predictability software. The cone crusher predicts a maintenance cost of $0.003/ton for both five and 10 years. The VSI, meanwhile, shows a maintenance cost of $0.0026/ton for five and 10 years.

Repair Costs

This area includes all of the repair costs associated with each crusher. This is also the area where there can be great variability. 应用类型、工作强度和一般操作 条件只是很难编入任何程序的几个因素 predictability software. 该软件使用了估计的预期寿命 components of each machine. This is the average life expectancy of the component.

Also included is the labor to remove and 安装零件,以及这些零件所需的任何机械加工. If there is rebuild capability, it is factored in as well.

Another great variable in this type of 软件是设备运行的小时数. If we end the hours 在重大维修事件(如轴承或衬套)之前 更换),每吨的成本将大大低于如果我们结束 hours just after a significant repair event.

While not enough data exists to document the 我们正在使用的两个应用程序示例之间的确切成本差异 关键是圆锥和VSI的数据分析是一样的. It 能让我们预测未来五年维修成本的基本差异吗 10-year periods for the cone versus the VSI. Individual applications would require further analysis.

The costs were estimated at 10,000 and 2万小时,同样是使用预测软件. For the cone crusher, repair is $0.06/ton for the first five years and $0.09/ton over the first 10 years. The VSI, meanwhile, reports a repair cost of $0.053/ton for the first five years and $0.078/ton for the first 10 years. Remember also that the software does not include the cost of downtime. So while there may be more 维修VSI超过圆锥破碎机的实例,相关的成本 each event is not as significant.

Keep this in mind as you continue the 我们如何为每个应用程序决定正确的工具的思考过程. Start 与最好的销售预测和收入美元提供给您. Investigate the various options. Test and verify whatever conclusions you make. Utilize the 既有公司内部的经验,也有外部资源. 挑战那些看起来好得令人难以置信的数字和说法.

The numbers will change depending on the material, the application and the duty. The process used, though, will be the same. 很多时候,一个可能的解决方案在没有 simple investigation of the facts and figures.

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我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.