
清道夫系统由分离器、贮水池和泵组成. They can be installed into any washing or classification process with a waste stream that discharges to a pond. 任何有所需材料的流都被送到污水池. 从水坑里出来, it is pumped up to the Separator to capture the desired material, 通常在+200目范围内. 从分离器溢出的现在是废物流, and the Separator underflow is directed back into the main system or wherever desired, 如脱水筛,干燥物料以备贮存.

在典型的清道夫系统中, overflow from a Fine Material Screw Washer enters a feed collection Sump, where it is pumped to a Separator that is installed above the discharge end of the screw. The Separator recovers +200 mesh fine sand and discharges it out the bottom of the Separator and onto the screw to discharge with the product material. The overflow from the Separator containing the -200 mesh fine material and water is sent to waste.

食腐动物系统 can also be configured for applications with a 脱水 Screen immediately following the screw. 在这些配置中, the overflow from the screw enters a feed collection Sump underneath the 脱水 Screen. The material is then pumped up to the 清洗系统’s Separator, which is installed over the 脱水 Screen so that the recovered +200 mesh material is discharged directly onto the screen for further dewatering. 


对于每个清道夫系统应用程序, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 evaluates the classification process already in place by taking a sample of the waste stream on site and sending it back to 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s in-house lab for testing. 从测试中, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can determine exactly how a 清洗系统 will perform when placed into the process.

Once installed, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 食腐动物系统 benefit an application in two ways. 第一个, they recover material out of the waste stream that would have been destined for the settling pond. Sending less material to the settling pond prevents the pond from filling up too quickly and reduces the frequency of which it needs to be mucked out.

第二个, the recovered material is added back into the product pile to increase the amount of salable material while still meeting the required gradation. Additional material in the product pile means additional dollars in your pocket. 



The amount of material you can recover with a 清洗系统 depends on the application and how much recovered material can be put back into the product pile without knocking it out of spec. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 will test your material ahead of time to predict how much material you should expect to recover with a 清洗系统 while staying within the required product gradation. Even recovering just 5 tons per hour can generate thousands of dollars in additional revenue.

Many applications can benefit from a 清洗系统 recovering +200 mesh material from the waste stream to add to the product pile; however, a 清洗系统 may not always make sense if recovering material will knock your product out of spec.

That’s why 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 tests the material for every potential 清洗系统 to see it makes sense for the particular application. 通过这些测试, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can determine exactly how much material you can recover with a 清洗系统 while still remaining in spec.

Systems can be designed to meter in some material and stockpile the other to be used at a later date, for a different product or just to eliminate settling pond buildup.

清除系统通常不需要任何额外的水, 当他们处理溢出的螺丝. However, for some applications, makeup water may be required to maintain or balance the sump level.

The amount of horsepower required to operate a 清洗系统 depends on the size of the Pump selected. 泵是系统中唯一使用电力的部分.

No, you cannot eliminate your settling pond by using a 清洗系统, but you can reduce pond cleanout frequency and the hassle that goes with it. While 食腐动物系统 recover +200 mesh material from Screw Washer overflow to reduce the amount of solids reporting to the settling pond, they still produce a waste stream of -200 mesh fine material and water that needs to be sent to a pond or downstream processing equipment.

If completely eliminating settling ponds is your goal, consider a 增稠剂, 离心机 or 压滤机.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 食腐动物系统 can be added to any washing or classification process with a waste stream.

特性 & 好处
  • 从废物流中回收+200目材料
  • 减少向沉降池报告的固体数量
  • 防止池塘填满得太快
  • 减少池塘清洗频率
  • Generate additional revenue by adding more material to product pile


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