S和 洗 comes in many forms 和 covers a range of feed 和 products produced, 包括混凝土等建筑骨料, 沥青, 梅森, 砂浆, 和 plaster s和s; sports s和s such as for golf courses, 球公园, 和 race courses; industrial s和s, 比如玻璃, 过滤器, 铸造, 和 frac; specialty s和s 和 materials such as anti-skid, roofing granules; deligniting/organics removal; 和 soils 洗ing for environmental projects.

For customers who are interested in maximizing yield 和 producing precisely graded products to the end-user's needs 和 specifications, 更有可能的是,定制砂厂是正确的解决方案. 不管沙子是天然的还是人造的, 细或粗, 评分好或差, 或需要的专业应用, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全可以提供专门设计的工厂来满足您的需求.


洗砂厂 covers a variety of processes to get the s和 from the raw state to a finished state. 这些过程包括:

  • 备料 - Before the raw feed can be processed, it must be prepared using a combination of 消耗细胞, 叶片工厂, 粗料螺旋垫圈, 日志垫圈旋转式洗涤塔. 目的是使所有物质都处于悬浮状态, essentially breaking down any clays 和 clay-bound materials 和 removing superficial surface contamination.
  • 分级 -在饲料制备步骤之前和之后, the raw feed must be screened into fractions appropriate for both the downstream process 和 the products to be produced. 振动屏幕 都是常用的.
  • ——离心 泥浆泵 are the preferred means by which slurry is transferred from one plant/process to the next. 泵也用于污水处理. 尽管在重力馈电装置上使用泵可能会有阻力, 重力馈电装置可能无法捕获可出售的材料. These losses go straight to waste 和 will end up costing you money in the long term.
  • 脱泥 -如果进料中存在大量的游离超细物料, it is typically desirable to remove this deleterious fraction before classification. Classification efficiency can be adversely impacted by high levels of suspended clays, 导致可销售材料和脏菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的损失. 飓风 are the preferred desliming device due to their high shear 和 efficient classification. Feed Regulating Sumps are also very appropriate especially where there are high volumes such as would be found in dredging applications. Their controlled overflow can reduce the power consumption for pumping to downstream classification. 偶尔, desliming or simply 洗ing is all that is needed to create the final product by removing the <75µm (<200 mesh) down to a certain level, 如3-5%通过.
  • 分类 – This is the process of separating particulates from one another based on either size or specific gravity. In s和 洗ing, this applies to the <4mesh (<5mm) particulates. 这个过程可能包括用我们的 Hydrosizer™,或使用我们的 分类的坦克. Where a specialty s和 is being produced, such as for glass, frac, sports, 过滤器, 铸造, etc.,加氢浆料机™提供了菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全级配拆分所需的精度. 飓风和 分隔符™ are also classification devices operating in the 140mesh (105µm) 和 finer size separation range typically finer than that where a Hydrosizer might be used.
  • Deligniting /有机物去除 -这个过程是根据材料的比重进行分类. In an aggregate application, depending on the overall process design, either a Hydrosizer™ or a LitesOut™ 用于过滤+50 × 4目有机物的1.4 – 1.8 SG. We use the ASTM C123 test for lightweight materials where a heavy liquid is used to define the specific gravity of the contaminant. Under some circumstances where the specific gravity differential between the s和 和 the lignite is marginal, we may run a test in our lab to evaluate dense medium separation as in a Hydrosizer™. It should always be understood that final products will not be lignite-free but will pass based on ASTM C123.
  • 致密和脱水 -某些类型的设备, 比如加氢器和消耗细胞, 需要稀释的浆液来浓缩. 旋风或分离器™最常用于此目的. 分隔符™ are especially suited for this duty with the ability to dial in 和 under flow density. 在脱水情况下, 优质材料螺丝, 脱水筛或分离器是最常见的设备. 到目前为止,脱水筛的含水率最低. 提高了安全性(减少了传送带周围的清理), better housekeeping (almost no water drainage from the stockpile) 和 more immediate availability, 脱水屏幕 have become the equipment of choice for final product 脱水.
  • 废水处理 -水是一种非常有价值的商品, so it is becoming a requirement to include a water recovery circuit as part of any permitting process. 用于此目的的最常见的设备是 增稠剂. 在大多数情况下,85%的工艺水可以回收再利用. The most cost-effective storage method is a dedicated water tank to reduce the percolation 和 evaporation losses associated with ponds. 这些水箱还节省了将水抽出和抽回所需的电力.
  • 废物固体管理 -而增稠剂可以回收工艺用水, the underflow is relatively dilute 和 is typically be pumped to containment ponds. To finish off the s和 洗ing process 和 have the waste solids in a conveyable 和 stackable condition, 滤波器按 是典型的雇员.
  • 抽样 -每个系统都需要监控和抽样以提供最佳结果. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全可以预先设计一个采样系统来关注关键区域. 对流程变化做出更快反应的能力有助于消除浪费, 提高菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全质量,解决问题.


S和 洗 comes in many forms 和 covers a range of feed 和 products produced, 包括混凝土等建筑骨料, 沥青, 梅森, 砂浆, 和 plaster s和s; sports s和s such as for golf courses, 球公园, 和 race courses; industrial s和s, 比如玻璃, 过滤器, 铸造, 和 frac; specialty s和s 和 materials such as anti-skid, roofing granules; deligniting/organics removal; 和 soils 洗ing for environmental projects.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 is best known for creating process solutions to address the specific needs of each customer's application. 我们拥有最大范围的稳健, 会给出设备, 我们也在不断创新. 我们在应用方面的背景和专业知识是首屈一指的.

取决于应用程序, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全可以对材料进行实验室规模的测试, 包括筛析, 固体百分比, 摩擦擦洗, 水槽/浮动, 砂当量和耐久性, Hydrosizer™ 基于分级,静态和动态絮凝/沉降和 压滤机 测试.

用我们专有的模拟, 内部实验室和行业专业知识, you get a plant designed specifically for your site with capacities to match your need. 我们的专业技术是业界羡慕的, 所以当你把它与最大范围的设备菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全结合起来, 我们可以提供一个解决方案.



首先,考虑以下问题:你有什么? 你想做什么? If the answer is a very specialized gradation 和 a difficult natural s和 deposit, then consider a 植物配方. If the answer is a manufactured s和 和 you are making concrete s和 all day every day, then an 超砂工厂 or 组合式洗涤设备 也许是你的答案.

许多其他因素, 比如可用投资, 本地竞争和扩大市场, 会影响这个决定. 通过从最简单的配置开始的淘汰过程, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全经验丰富的工作人员将指导您做出最佳选择.

生产符合严格规格的优质砂, 看看麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全配方砂植物就知道了. These s和 plants make use of every grain of s和 to offer customized blending for concrete, 铸造, 玻璃砂和石膏砂. The resulting s和 product is consistent, uniform 和 will meet even the tightest of specifications.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全在线混合砂厂提供高菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全产量, 提供灵活的混合选项, 生产干燥菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,提高菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全一致性. 它们操作简单,分割准确,并经过现场验证.

分级槽式制砂装置s can create multiple products from a single feed as well as remove slimes 和 excess water. 进料先进入分砂槽, 沙粒根据槽的长度按大小分段沉降. Valves at the bottom of each section release the grains into one of several flumes used to create a primary, 二级或三级菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 取决于应用程序. 排出的产物然后用 脱水屏幕 和/或 优质材料螺旋垫圈. The addition of 飓风和/or rising current water can be used to 除矿泥 the feed.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 工业砂厂 are designed with a combination of 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 equipment to provide extremely sharp classification of various industrial s和s. 该设备包括 消耗细胞, 脱水屏幕, 水力旋流器, Hydrosizers™, 滤波器按, 优质材料螺旋垫圈、泵、 分隔符增稠剂.

尽管便携式植物, 哪一种可以安装在车轮上或基于滑轨,以提供方便的运输, 能力有限, 他们不会限制这个过程. 便携式砂堆可用于分类, 脱水, 浆料和去除饲料中的过大颗粒和有机物以生产集合体, 建筑及拆卸材料, 特种砂.

特性 & 好处
  • 采用经过现场验证的最先进设备设计
  • 提高存款收益
  • 实验室规模的最佳设备配置测试
  • 具有实施经验的大局观
  • 专门的项目管理
  • 现场服务团队负责启动和故障排除


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site 和 answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.

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