Cross Belt Sampling Systems



Cross Belt Samplers are used as both stand-alone primary sampling units, or as primary or other subsequent stage samplers in Multi-Stage Sampling Systems. 交叉带取样器是一种易于实施,具有成本效益的样品采集手段. 使用交叉带取样器的原因有很多,这些原因往往因行业而异. 选择交叉带采样器的一些常见原因包括通过消除对库存采样的需要来提高人员安全, 通过允许人员在不靠近操作设备的情况下收集样本,提高人员安全, reduced downtime compared to other sampling methods that may be in use, system layout constraints (e.g. 高度),与安装其他类型的采样器相比,成本相对较低. Cross Belt Samplers are an effective, value-driven sampling option when correctly designed and implemented.

How Cross Belt Sampling Systems Work

而不是停止传送带,用停止的皮带分割器定义增量,然后用铲子和扫帚移除增量, 十字带取样器使用旋转的对重取样器,并垂直于输送机上方的物料流360度旋转.

一个增量包括快速加速样品刀具组件从停在取样器卸料区的位置,并继续通过一段短时间的稳态运动,直到样品刀具旋转回到传送带上的物料流. 然后,刀具通过物料流(使用McLanahan切割区系统已正确形成刀具半径),并在收集样品增量时使用专有的刀具刮水材料擦拭皮带. Immediately following the collection of a sample increment, 刀具组件迅速停止在其原来的停放位置在卸料区域, 样品从哪里从样品切割器中弹出并沉积到出料槽中.

The sample cutter drivetrain can be designed in several ways, 但减速器/制动器单元最常用于标准到重型单元, with electro-hydraulic clutch/brake units being employed on extreme-duty units.

Cross Belt Samplers are used in many applications, including: plant product conveyors in aggregate and frac sand facilities; as-received and as-fired conveyors in coal fired power plants; ROM and loadout conveyors at mines; crushed ore conveyors feeding various types of beneficiation plants; stacking conveyors where bulk materials are stored; reclaim conveyors where bulk materials are removed from storage; and as secondary or tertiary samplers in Multi-Stage Sampling Systems, including McLanahan secondary sample processing offerings.

Why McLanahan Cross Belt Sampling Systems

McLanahan提供了一流的设计和经验,当涉及到交叉带采样器. Cross Belt Samplers are not all designed (or created, if you will) equally. Simply put, it is top-notch design that sets McLanahan apart from the competition. 这种设计专长使McLanahan能够在许多具有挑战性的应用程序中取得成功,而其他人可能会动摇. In fact, 大多数与使用交叉带取样器相关的问题可以通过正确的设计最小化.     

McLanahan对交叉带设计的把握使我们开发出了完整的交叉带采样器系列, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全线涵盖了从标准到极限的整个应用范围,并将适当的机器设计与特定应用相匹配. 这条完整的线的交叉带采样器还包括麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全切割带轮廓系统. 切割区系统是成功的跨带采样应用的关键. Beyond design, McLanahan的经验使我们能够正确选择交叉带采样器将成功的应用程序,并根据采样应用的独特要求对机器设计进行调整. 这包括知道何时提供建议,哪些采样应用程序可能与其他采样设备选项最好的服务.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cross Belt Sampling Systems

Ask An Expert

如果交叉带采样器不适合您的采样要求,麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供的分类 Falling Stream Samplers that could be used if sufficient overhead clearance and footprint is available. Also, if the sampling application in question is related to sampling from trucks, railcars or other stationary lots, Auger Sampling Systems can be considered.

是什么使交叉带取样器具有成本效益的解决方案的一部分是相对容易与他们安装. In fact, 如果假定要安装取样器的区域有电力可用, a standard-duty 36” Cross Belt Sampler can usually be installed in a day or less. 

No. McLanahan交叉带取样器的设计是由一个可移动的底座支持,允许取样器安装在传送带周围. 


Features & Benefits
  • Cost-effective sampling solution
  • Easier to install than other sampling equipment offerings
  • 结合麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全切割带轮廓系统,正确的样品提取
  • 可提供多种工作等级设计,包括标准工作,重型和极端工作
  • Designs suitable up to 10,000 stph (8,900 mtph) are available
  • 标准的机电驱动和制动器与其他重型驱动和制动选项可用
  • Multiple access ports to inspect and maintain all working components
  • Robust design intended for long-term reliability in harsh applications

Need Some Help?

Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.

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